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jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

Somali regional development courses end in Gal-mudug State

 Amid sadness and shock over the death of the President of the Somali Football Federation Said Mahmoud Nur who together with the NOC boss den Haji Yerberow were killed in a suicide bomb attack in Mogadishu last week, the SFF successfully concluded different football-related courses as part of its regional development program in the Gal-mudug state over the weekend.

The development courses assembled 80 persons who were 40 future referees, 20 coaches and 20 football administrators with the assistance from the Gal-mudug semi-autonomous regional state which hosted the courses.

Female trainees were among those who were taught sports administration-related lessons during the week-long courses which took place at different venues at the same time.

SFF secretary General Abdi Qani Said Arab who first addressed at the conclusion ceremony said that the courses ended in successful manner praising the regional state for the good hosting and the media outlets for the professional coverage.

He told the trainees to pass what they have learned from here to other people in their regions who haven’t got such chance. Rather than football promotion in the country, the Somali Football Federation fights against, tribalism, ignorance and drug abuse against the young people so we want every one of you to take this message to his region or district” the secretary General told the participants adding that fighting against child-soldiering was one of the important targets of Somali Football Federation. 

The SFF deputy vice president for regional development Abdulahi Abow Hussein added that his department was prioritizing the spread of football knowledge through out all regions across the country.

“On behalf of Somali Football Federation I would like to thank the Gal-mudug state for the high level hospitality” the vice president said in his address at the conclusion ceremony over the weekend. 

High profile politician Ali Hashi Dhorre told the ceremony that rather than knowledge the other very important thing benefited from the courses was integration of young people from different regions, who didn’t know each other before, but became friends during the courses

“I am very much grateful to Somali Football Federation for the construction of the first ever sports centre in our region---this will help the development of sport in our area” the well known politician noted.
The Mayor of the host city of Galkaio Seinab Osman Hassan said that she hoped safe return for the trainees from regions urging the SFF to organize more other courses and competitions in her city. “Feel here as your home town, we were really very proud of your stay here” the female Mayor told the trainees.
Some of the trainees who spoke at the closing ceremony on the behalf of their colleagues requested Somali Football Federation to organize other curses for them in a bid to enhance their knowledge in football.
The region’s minister for youth and sport Sadeq Dahir Mire thanked the trainees from regions for their efforts and commitment to football. “You came from distance places in search of football education, this shows that you are very committed to this kind of game” the minister told the closing ceremony over the weekend.
“The Somali Football Federation has really helped me to succeed in my duty as a minister of sport so I am particularly very much grateful to the SFF and its authorities” the minister added before announcing that the week-long football development courses were closed.

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